Saturday, November 24, 2007

I have been really lame lately and just forgotten my camera and not been keeping up on this blog. so i have to admit these are pictures my sister sent me from my little nephew Ethan's 1st Bday party. Thats why they are pic of me and Preston not ethan or anyone else. Sorry. With the Holidays already here, i will get some new pics posted of the kids soon.

Recently I started working at the Lifetime Fitness Child center. My sisters and I have been working out there for over a year. When I found out that I could get a free membership working in the child center and bring my kids with me while making a few extra bucks I jumped on it. it has been really fun. If anyone wants go go and work out or swim or anything let me know anytime.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Evolution of Dance

The only thing he misses, is head banging. What a weird culture we live in.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


We had a fun time at the Diamondbacks game. It was their last home game of the season and they won! We were excited because there were rumored to be fireworks but it was too windy and they thought it would be to dangerous. Kali was especially upset about that. I didn't get that great of pics because of the wind and it's hard to get the kids to look at the camera when there is soo much going on around them.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Praying Mantis

Last night I was standing outside and I felt something tickle my shoulder, I thought of sure it was my hair tickling my shoulder than Adam said hold still you have a praying mantis on your shoulder. So we put him in a container for the kids to see. The next morning Preston had woke up at the crack of dawn of coarse and noticed the container. "There is a really weird bug in there." After he got home from school, we got it out and the kids wanted to hold it. There was a time when I would have held it too, but I have just grown out of that. I know it looks like Preston is eating it in one of the pictures, but no.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I got this wig at greenbacks today so Kali could pretend to be Ariel. She loves dressing up and looking like a princess. She loves to get dirty and play hard, yet she still always wants to be treated like a princess. Lately she loves Snow white which is fun becuase I get to pretend to be the wicked Queen turned into a witch tempting her with a poisonous apple. Usually she will say "No, I am too smart for you." but sometimes she will eat the apple and fall to the ground dramatically until her Prince comes to kiss her a ride her away on the horse to live happilly ever after. (I also get to be the prince.) I love playing around with my kids and letting them remind me how fun simple things can be. Too bad we had to grow up and don't have time to play all day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I will never forget the immense emotions we all felt as newly elected President Bush told our country exactly what we needed to hear on such an awful day. I have taken some time to reminisce about the fear I felt as reality set in. My heart swelled with courage as our President said "I hear you, the world hears you, and the people who crashed into theses buildings will hear all of us soon!" I am proud to be an American and support the war on terror. We are blessed to live on this promised land, God's Country.


We were lucky enough to get to do some dog sitting last weekend. We ended up having so much fun with Ashley and Joe's dog Barbie. She is a fun dog. Thanks Ash N Joe, for making me realize that pets can be more than just a pain in the rump. We are considering a pet. We always thought that little dogs were annoying but really I think big dogs are just such a slobbering hastle. The best pets are obedient pets and that is all that matters. Maybe Santa will bring us a puppy this year? Can we believe that the Holiday season is already fast approaching us? Toy companies are really starting early this year marketing their crap to my kids!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Are Mountain Dew
Ultra hyper and full of energy, you're on a permanent sugar high.Some people complain about your taste, but the do appreciate your power.Your best soda match: CokeStay away from: Root Beer

Sunday, August 5, 2007

4th tooth lost!

Preston obviously lost his first top tooth today. This time daddy pulled it. Whenever I have pulled a tooth in the past it seems to take me a few tries and there is soo much drama. This time Adam used Prestons very own pliers and even though P-bo was a little worried, it only took one try. The first thing Preston said after the tooth was pulled was "Hey, I can still whistle." I can't believe my babies are getting soo big. We will have a 1st grader this year. What will I do with my boy in school until 2:20pm every day. I know it will be good for me to have some time to spend with my daughter. Families are sooo fun!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Miscellaneous pic/ Fun activity

This was fun little information for me. There are like 700,000 Angelas in the U.S. And 5000 McLennans. There were 5 people in the United States with the name Angela McLennan. How interesting. Try it and see how many people have your name?

how/'>">How many have your name?<

Friday, July 6, 2007


Ashley is soo talented. We were asked to make scrap pages for my grandma as families so she could put them all in a book to leave out. I was intimidated because I don't scrap book much. Ash stepped in and threw this little ditty together for me in 10 minutes! Thanks Ash*

Thursday, June 28, 2007

One day...

We had a really fun day at the Pecos skate park today, they have a big splash pad which makes is livable in the hot hot hot summer to spend quite alot of time there. Adam and his friend took Preston into the skate park and let him roll around. It is an affordable, fun family place to go and they serve Hot sopapias with honey, mmmmm. Pecos is one of the cleanest skate parks around. The park closest to us is Reed park and is becoming populated with a young and distructfull crowd who don't treat the park with respect, it is frustrating when they don't appreciate the city for giving those kids such a fun place to hang out. There are also alot of kids who bring their bmx bikes into the park which is just soo dangerous to mix with skateboards. It is an activity that Preston and Daddy really enjoy so it is nice to have found a few more parks that may be further away, yet safe and clean.
We had worked up such an appetite that we went to Ponchos Mexican Buffet. We like to go there because it is a relaxed family atmosphere, it's affordable and the kids get icecream cones after they eat their dinner "all gone." my pics came up in a weird order but one is them sitting outside Poncho's with Ice Cream faces.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

Preston and Daddy on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I love it when you get home from church and there is no stress. Ours starts at 9:oo so it feels good to be done and have the rest of the day to enjoy your family. Preston was the reverent child today at church today.

muddy duck

Kalista tried to catch a Duck in the irrigation water at the school. Needless to say... She slipped!

Monday, April 9, 2007

summa time

For someone who idolizes princesses, beauty sleep is important to sneak in whenever possible. Kali likes her sleep alot!