Saturday, March 8, 2008

kookers the princess

Little Kali loves to play dress up. She got this Araura (sleeping beauty) dress for Christmas and she likes to wear it with a vail and pretend she is gettin' hitched. In this picture she wanted me to not see her feet. Silly

My name is Preston I like to take pictures with my moms camera. I took these pictures of the roses I found in the yard today. Do you like them??

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey y'all, down at the bottom of this page is a new page element I added. It's whetever youtube reel you would like. I have an inconvenient obsession with Glenn Beck and I have loved Bear Grills for a couple of years now. If you are like me, you will get lost listening to Glenn talk about anything and everything, I don't care what the subject mannor is I can't not listen. Luckily he is so inspiring and intelligent that I never feel like I have wasted my time with that sick freak.
Also I have a secret attraction for Bear as he will do and eat anything just for the ratings! Come on, we all know it's not really life or death for him. He always cracks me up.
Anyhow, If your interested have fun and don't get lost!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My son is the has so much courage. It takes a lot for him to realize he can get hurt. This past week he fell at the skate park and even with his helmet, he ended up with quite the shiner. The next day he was complaining that his tooth hurt and since his eye was taking all of my attention I didn't realize his cheek was swelling up. It was the Friday after Christmas and I could not find a dentist office open. I was soo luck to get a hold of an old neighbor who not only wrote a proscription but opened up his office on his day off to extract Prestons tooth! I felt so blessed to have his assistance in an emergency like that. Preston is still full of smiles despite all of his challenges. here are some fun pictures of my son Preston. (Don't mind the black eye or swollen cheek.)

It's a wonderful life 2008

We had a really fun New Years Party at the Cutright house. Being that New Years eve is also my fathers birthday, there is usually some festivities going on. I didn't get any pictures of us all playing on the wii but it was a blast. In the back yard there is a big bucket filled with silly string, noise makers, little poppers and fire crackers and we all run out at the same time and sabotage each other, it is hilarious, fun for the kids and the adults too!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and I am so thankful for good family and friends to share special experiences with. We have all had a few ups and downs in our lives and it feels soo wonderful to know we have each other to lend a hand or just an ear when it is needed. I have people in my life who are such good examples for me and my family, my children are lucky to still have grandma and grandpa around and also to live so close to cousins and close family. I know with all of the superb characters in my life 2008 will be grrrrreeeeaaaat!