Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey y'all, down at the bottom of this page is a new page element I added. It's whetever youtube reel you would like. I have an inconvenient obsession with Glenn Beck and I have loved Bear Grills for a couple of years now. If you are like me, you will get lost listening to Glenn talk about anything and everything, I don't care what the subject mannor is I can't not listen. Luckily he is so inspiring and intelligent that I never feel like I have wasted my time with that sick freak.
Also I have a secret attraction for Bear as he will do and eat anything just for the ratings! Come on, we all know it's not really life or death for him. He always cracks me up.
Anyhow, If your interested have fun and don't get lost!


Aimee's Family Journal said...

Glen is so RIGHT ON! He is very intelligent. I love all his cronies. All their research. I need to read his book. I love all the anti global warming evidence, and his tale of the NBC money trail. Did you hear that?

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

Yay! I'm loving it!